Frequently Asked Questions Day of Procedure

Click on the Frequently Asked Questions below to learn about your surgery.

The questions below may help you for before, during, and after your surgery.

Day of Procedure

What will happen when I first arrive at the facility?

When you arrive at the facility, you will be checked-in by a member of our staff. The admission process is usually very quick as we have obtained most of your information prior to your arrival. This final check allows us to verify all of your key information so we can better serve you.

What should I wear?

For your comfort, we encourage you to wear clothing that can be easily removed and stored. Please avoid wearing any jewelry, piercings, nail polish and cosmetics, and leave contact lenses at home or bring your lens case with you.

What should I do with my clothes and additional belongings?

A nurse will escort you into the pre-operative area where you will change your clothes. Your belongings will be safely stored until you are ready to go home. We recommend that you leave all valuables and additional accessories at home.

What happens after I check-in?

A nurse will conduct a pre-operative assessment that will include taking your vital signs and starting an IV if it is required for your procedure. The anesthesia provider will also speak with you in the pre-operative area to review all pre-operative information and discuss your anesthesia.  Our staff will keep your family and friends informed of your progress.  We understand the anxiety family and friends will have while you are having your procedure.  We will make every effort to keep them informed of your progress and when they will be able to re-join you after the procedure.

What can I do to help ensure that I have the proper procedure on the correct site?

Your safety is our primary concern. Your entire health care team will follow rigorous guidelines regarding site identification and procedure confirmation. National Patient Safety Goals have been developed which require your involvement too. You will be asked numerous times to confirm both the procedure you are having and the surgical site. You should take a very active role in all discussions with your physician, your anesthesia provider and our staff regarding the identification of your procedure and the correct surgical site.  In most cases, your surgeon will mark the site prior to your procedure.

What can I do to help prevent a site infection?

Take a shower the night before and the morning of surgery. Follow these simple steps:

    1. Wash your hair first with any shampoo.
    2. Wash all of your body using a liquid antibacterial soap and a clean washcloth for each shower.
    3. Rinse well to remove all soap.
    4. Dry your body with a clean towel.
    5. Do not use lotion, cream, or powder.
    6. Do not shave or clip the area where the surgery will be done unless your physician directs you to do so.
    7. On the day of your procedure make sure you, your family and any other caregivers wash hands frequently while at the facility and at home following your surgery. Also, do not hesitate to ask members of your health care team at the facility if they have washed their hands!
    8. After your procedure make sure you, your family and any other caregivers wash their hands frequently.  Also, be sure you follow all instructions provided by your health care team regarding the care and cleaning of your surgical site as well as the administration of post-operative medications and bandages.
Will I see my physician prior to procedure?

Yes. The nature of most procedures will require that you and your physician confirm both the specific type of procedure you are having as well as the surgical site of that procedure.

How long can my family stay with me prior to my procedure?


This will depend upon several factors. However, we believe that familiar faces can assist in reducing your anxiety about the procedure, so please do not hesitate to inform the nurse that you would like a friend or family member to sit with you.

Can my child keep a special blanket or stuffed animal to ease his/her fears?

Absolutely. If your child would like to have a stuffed animal or security blanket for added comfort, feel free to bring these items on the day of surgery. Also, bring your child’s bottle or “sippy cup” for after surgery if they cannot drink from a regular cup.

When should I arrive?

You will receive instructions regarding arrival time during your pre-operative phone call.  It is important that you arrive at the designated time.

What if I think I might be pregnant?

Please be sure to notify your physician, anesthesiologist and nurse prior to the date of surgery if you think you may be pregnant. The surgical procedure, anesthesia and medications may be harmful to a developing baby.

Can I smoke?

No. We advise against smoking on the day of your procedure. Smoking may interfere with the anesthesia and frequently produces nausea during the recovery period.


Are there different kinds of sedation or anesthesia?

Yes. There are five different categories of sedation and anesthesia: Conscious Sedation, General, Regional, Monitored Anesthesia Care and Local Anesthesia. Regardless of the type of sedation or anesthesia that you receive, special anesthetic agents and techniques are used to provide a safe and speedy recovery. If there are alternative choices available for your surgery, and often there are, your physician or anesthesia provider will discuss them with you before surgery.

May I request the type of anesthesia I will receive?

Depending on the type of surgery, there may be anesthetic options. Your physician or anesthesia provider will discuss available options with you after reviewing your medical history.

Will I receive any sedatives before procedure?

Together, you, your surgeon and your anesthesia provider will develop an anesthetic care plan. This plan may include preoperative sedation and other medications if necessary.

What are the risks of anesthesia?

All surgical procedures and all anesthetics have risks. These risks are dependent upon many factors, including the type of surgery and the medical condition of the patient. Your anesthesiologist will assess you preoperatively and every precaution will be taken to minimize your risk. We routinely see minor symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, sore throat, dizziness, tiredness, headache, muscle aches and pain, most of which are easily treated.  Please feel free to discuss any questions with your anesthesia provider.

Will I be billed separately by the anesthesiologist?

Yes. You will receive a separate bill from your anesthesia provider if anesthesia was administered.

Why must I refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to procedure?

 It is important to refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to surgery in order to prevent the risks of aspirating gastric contents (complication related to vomiting) during your surgery. This complication may be very serious. Specific instructions based on national safety standards will be provided to you prior to your procedure. It is very important that you follow the provided instructions.  If you do not, your surgery may be delayed or cancelled.

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Corpus Christi, TX 78412